Saturday, December 3, 2011

My gear(s)!

am personally very happy with the pictures taken with this compact camera (hosting a micro four-thirds chip)! Had done quite a lot of reading before deliberating my buy close to one year ago, and after numerous trials, i'm very happy to say that the XZ-1 is certainly my favourite (in terms of picture quality). nevertheless, i realised that once too often the camera goes bonkers when i change to the 'view' mode after taking a pic (read: display interface disappears and only the view remains). Not sure if it's a bug or not, and it's certainly something that i do not want to live with when i'm outdoors happily snapping pictures away. the resume of this camera? Refer to the pics taken for my Bali and HK-cum-Macau trip! :-) (P.S.: Anything before that was taken with my other favourite compact-compact cam the Lumix FT-1, which boosts HD video-taking capability than unfortunately is not offered by the XZ-1.)

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