Sunday, July 3, 2011

Transformers' big screen finale is...

Synopsis: Finale of the Transformers trilogy, and I'm rather glad the show ended our torment of a big screen reproduction of one of our childhood's best toy franchises.
bascially, the Decepticons banked on a final trump card they always had - and the Autobots did not know better - to regain their status as rulers of a planet (what would you expect of the name 'Decept'-icons). Autobots, being the good guys, naturally fell for this with their human allies and brought back to Earth with them the trump card and war, much to Decepticon's delight. Following which a raging battle between the forces ensues, but not before the draggy parts depicting the Boy-Gal-Relationship between Sam (Shia LaBeouf) and another 'hot babe'.
RPR: 5/10. Gets draggy at parts without building up the storyline. Although the action scenes at the back were good, somehow it pictures Optimus Prime as a horrifying cold-blooded killer. Remember his warcries back in episode 2 when he goes ranting about how Decepticons were worthless junk and all when going about his robot-killing spree? It's really something like what the bad guys would say and do.
also, should Shia LaBeouf be getting bored of acting in shows which requires him to be protraying the one thing he is good at, which are his crazy antics of talking very, very fast i.e. until hyper? He should cut down on his sugar or caffiene intake, whichever's doing this to him.
oh, and a "trivia" thingie; this episode actually stars bigger names like John Malkovich and Patrick Dempsey. But hell the latter's the bad guy, and I like seeing his a*s gets kicked.

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