Sunday, March 20, 2011

World Invasion: Battle L.A. - rocks!!!

this is one of the nicer movies i've watched for a long time!!!
Aaron Eckhart and Michelle Rodriguez stars in this show (can't tell from the trailer eh? No clues as to EVEN someone whom we know is acting in it. Just like 'Rec', or that show whereby aliens invade earth but the show was shot almost all in first-person??? Sooo forgettable). i guess Michelle Rodriguez starring as a warfighter is no longer new (via Resident Evil, S.W.A.T., Avatar etc.) but Aaron Eckhart is. He plays the role of SSG Nantz very well and as expected being the male protagonist, unleashes some "John Wayne" action in kicking some extraterrestial's butt. i LIKED his "John Wayne" part(s) in the show. (At the rate of him kicking so, he'd probably be awarded some adamantium Star already.)
also happens that this is a long-time never-been-so-good alien-cum-war movie (the last good ones IMO were Independence Day and Black Hawk Down) which i've not been seeing on the big screen for quite a while. wait a minute... did i just say that?
interesting enough, this is one of the very few movies which had a very sucky trailer but the show turned out great. Usually it's the other way round. Also, the title of the show - really throws people off the hook that THIS could be a good one (producers, please think of better names more befitting of the movie?)
RPR: 9/10 - Plot's not fresh, but the way it was put across is. Thumbs up!!!

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