Thursday, February 10, 2011


quite a while since i last updated my blog... been real lazy for my own good. haha~ this show would be one of my fave action-cum-chinese-martial arts movie. Of course, credit must go to Donnie Yen, who was also the martial arts director for this flick.
Other than the action scenes, the plot is quite thin, but, can hold on its own. A superhero-theme in the early years of republican China? Cool~ except that the outfit seems too close to Kato of Green Hornet fame. Who knows... maybe Donnie Yen was also competing with Jay Chou for this role in the big screen Green Hornet movie (to be reviewed later on in my blog) then?
my fave scene was one part in the dojo when Chen Zhen literally 'kicked a guy away'.
is Chen Zhen really so powerful? What do you think... he survived an entire firing squad! So... are, you, kidding???
RPR: 8/10 (for the fighting scenes, man!)

oh, and by the way, a Happy Rabbit Year to all!!! Let's not be busy until we 吐 in the 兔 year.

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