shall start with a movie I watched most recently... The Losers.
well, I guess it's not the type of movie that makes you go 'oomph'. Converted to the big screen from a comic, it's not really a wonder why it's not as famous as... the famous others. Can't really tell it's a comic anyways, like the show
Watchmen, which was good enough as a standalone... but I disgress.
back to the movie, it's typical stylish-wannabes
kena framed, stylish-wannabes survive, stylish-wannabes payback. Anyways, it seems like the producers of the film are expecting a sequel if the box office is good (you will get what I mean if you watched the movie).
Relative Performance Rating (RPR): 5/10 = well, if you really have nothing else to watch
or, like me, I was caught in between taking sucky seats for Robin Hood or make do with another show.
Disclaimer: I am not saying that Robin Hood's more exciting. P.S.: You can take the movie Gladiator as my benchmark for a 10/10.