Saturday, May 22, 2010


ahahahahaha! My award-winning shot of Fujiyama:

Feast (your eyes) on the melting cream of Fuji-san!!!

Another man 2

let's see... I was highly anticipating this movie when it was about to launch. But eventually I happen to agree with one of the magazine movie critics that the show is basically an "over-priced, extended publicity campaign" for the Avengers movie.
quoting from a few friends' comments: "there's too much talking".
Robert Downey Jr.'s not helping in his scenes with Ms. Pepper Potts by constantly blabbering over her constant naggings.
but, I think the movie's still ok to watch. It's still one of the better comics-to-big screen adaptions so far.
RPR: 6.5/10


allow me to backlog a bit... review for IP man 2.
the show still delivers superb fighting scenes... one that a Hollywood movie cannot produce to date. That's basically worth your cinema ticket.
yes, there's a storyline as well, but it's quite thin, so I'm not going to go into it.
the conclusion is that the first movie was better, more impacful (see the post title?).
RPR: 7/10
worth watching it again purely for the fighting scenes. Ha!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

the loooooosers~

shall start with a movie I watched most recently... The Losers.

well, I guess it's not the type of movie that makes you go 'oomph'. Converted to the big screen from a comic, it's not really a wonder why it's not as famous as... the famous others. Can't really tell it's a comic anyways, like the show Watchmen, which was good enough as a standalone... but I disgress.
back to the movie, it's typical stylish-wannabes kena framed, stylish-wannabes survive, stylish-wannabes payback. Anyways, it seems like the producers of the film are expecting a sequel if the box office is good (you will get what I mean if you watched the movie).
Relative Performance Rating (RPR): 5/10 = well, if you really have nothing else to watch
or, like me, I was caught in between taking sucky seats for Robin Hood or make do with another show. Disclaimer: I am not saying that Robin Hood's more exciting.
P.S.: You can take the movie Gladiator as my benchmark for a 10/10.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

continuation from my other blog

been wanting to do so since a long time ago. Great now that I have taken the first step.
as described in the title header, this blog will provide *things* in the list. Nothing less. Let's see what I shall start with.